SHAPE: from Northsemitic (

The shape is supposed to show the two horns of the animal (ox) which was letter's name. It obviously rotated into the greek

Appears in all
cities of the
Western-Eastern greek alphabet groups.
SOUND: In ancient greek pronunciation and
prosody the letter A could sound either as /a/ short or [α:] long (hence it is a
dichronic two-valued vowel. After hellenistic times it is pronounced only short.
DIPHTHONGS: In ancient times both /a/ values could produce diphthongs:
[a]+[i]=[ai] [α:]+[i]=[αi].
In later greek it is always pronounced short [a]. Sometimes it may be pronounced linked with an /i/ sound in a fast way, producing the diphthong [
ai] but sometimes not linked: [a i].
NAME: ETYMOLOGY from northsemitic (
phoenician): 'aleph = ox, where Aleph represented a /'h/
laryngeal sound.
NAME: SPELLING polytonic:
COMBINATIONS:DIGRAMMES: The following digraphs were pronounced as diphthongs in ancient times (and in today's erasmic) but gradually (after hellenistic times) as
monophthongs: check
AI = [e] erasmic: [ai], mediaeval Aι ᾳ, modern AÏ αï and
AY = [af] or [av] erasmic: [au].
•αγωγή=leading towards/education - (paed)agogy •άθλος=achievement - athl(et)
•ακούω=I hear - acou(stics)
•άκρο=edge - acro(bat), acro(phobia)
•άνδρας=man (male) - andro(id)
•άνθρωπος=human - anthropo(logy)
•αρχή=the beginning - (an)archy, archi(tect)
•( αστήρ, ( άστρο=star astro(nomy)
•αυτό=it, itself - auto(graph)