page in greek ελληνικά
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 Alexandria gre: Aλεξάνδρεια [ale'ksanδria], arabic:Al-Iskandariyyah
Alexandria of Egypt
gre.n.f: Aττική [atiˈci]
Attica is the territory, peninsula around Athens (today's capital of Greece).
attic language
Classic attic (or Ionic) ancient greek idiom of the golden 5th a.e.v. century is the language of the great greek literature. Plato, Aristotle, Thucydides and the non-chorus parts of greek drama are the best examples of classic attic. Later, it was considered the most refined way to write greek, thus haunting scholarly writing for centuries.
 Byzantium BYZANTIUM the word, in history, the city, links
 Chalcis, Chalcida gre: Xαλκίδα [xa`lkiδa] Also translit: Halkida, Khalkis, Khalkida.
City of Euboea island. (MAP). Known since ancient times for the bizarre tides of Euripus Strait, the sea separating it from mainland.
The chalcidaean alphabet was a typical western greek type of alphabet (e.g. some of its letters were a bit different of the eastern (ionic) type). It moved together with chalcidian colonists to Sicily. Later, it was transformed by etruscans and romans to the latin alphabet we use today.
 Hellas, hellen, hellenic = Greece, Greek, greek
Names for Hellas, greece, greeks.
 Mycenae anc.gre: MYKHNAI mod.gre: [mi`cine]
Main city of the gold‑rich Mycenaean civilization which flourished c.1600‑1100 a.e.v. in many greek cities. (MAP). Agamemnon king of Argos and other mycenaean heroes are the protagonists of Homer's Iliad.

katerina sarri, athens, 2007. rev:2008.06.15.