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page in greek ελληνικά
bibliography - full version


Transliterations of greek, cyrillic, arabic and chinese titles follow the ISO standards (International Standards Organization).
Consult abbreviations page.
Greek names of authors are sometimes written on the original object in genitive case. Here, we give the nominative case of the names.
NOTE ON the initial of middle name for greek names (e.g. Achilles A.).:
In greek names, the initial letter next to the given name is the first letter of the father's name, not a second name. The fashion of multiple given names is not greek, but lately it is used as a solution to the problem of honouring both grandparents.

GNUMP3d v2.8. Website. <http://1stup.ne.kr:8888> retr:2005. [obsolete] <http://promenade.co.kr:8888> retr:2006. [obsolete] lang:eng.
Extensive classical music audio-archive. Excellent performances in .wma format.
Abeille Musique: La Chambre d'écoute. Website. <http://classique.abeillemusique.com> retr:2005+. [obsolete] lang:fre.
Commercial site: Record shopping.
Amazon.com: Online Shopping. Website. <http://www.amazon.com> lang:eng.multi.
More lang. in branch-amazons.
Commercial site: Good source for CD and tracks, information on books.
Amazons in many countries and languages.
British Broadcasting Corporation (B.B.C.). Gr.Britain. Website. <http://www.bbc.co.uk> lang:eng.
More lang. are included at 'foreign services'.
Ancient Greek Tutorials. Berkeley Language Center, University of Berkeley, USA. Website. <http://socrates.berkeley.edu/~ancgreek/ancient_greek_start.html> retr:2000. lang:eng.greanc.
Under the aegis of the Berkeley Language Center and professor Donald Mastronarde. If you are interested in erasmic pronunciation of ancient greek, this is the site to be in. All letters and words are clickable, sound is easy to download. Also, lessons of ancient greek grammar, drills, etc.
Bridgemanart. Art, culture & history images. London, G.Britain. Website. <http://www.bridgemanart.com> retr:2008.11.30. lang:eng.
Searh for images. Good information on artist, title, location.
Musiclibrary. Boston University, USA. Website. <http://www.bu.edu/av/musiclibrary> retr:2006. lang:eng.
Classical music downloadable audio of excellent performances. Occasional updates. Sometimes restricted.
CD Universe. Website. <http://www.cduniverse.com> lang:eng.
Commercial site: Record shopping. CD tracks and covers.
Lewin, Naomi. Classics for kids. Radio Show. Cincinnati Classical Public Radio, USA. Website. <http://www.classicsforkids.com> lang:engus.
Classic music for children. Weekly shows offered in flash .swf format. Written with care and presented with humour by Naomi Lewin.
Columbia University Music Humanities, Online Reserves. Columbia University, USA. Website. <http://www.columbia.edu/itc/music/resrves> lang:eng.
Downloadable .ram audio files.
Ultralingua Online Dictionary. Website. <http://www.ultralingua.com/onlinedictionary> retr:2007.05. lang:eng.fre.ger.spa.ita.port.esperanto.lat.
Multilingual translation of meanings.
Music 33: 18th and 19th Century Western Art Music. Dartmouth University, n.p. Website. <http://www.dartmouth.edu/~music33/Mus33projects> retr:2007.05. [obsolete] lang:eng.
Hornby, A.S. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English. London: Oxford University Press, 1974. lang:eng. Printed book.
Monolingual dictionary. English definitions. IPA Phonetics for british pronunciation and, if different, for US pronunciation. Appendices for proper nouns, names, placenames, etc.
Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Website. <http://dictionary.cambridge.org> retr:2007.05. lang:eng.
Monolingual dictionary. English definitions. IPA phonetics for british and american pronunciation.
Penguin-hellenews αγγλοελληνικόν λεξικόν. Αθήνα: Hellenews-Παιδεία, 3η έκδ: 1984. 1η  έκδ. 1975. lang:gre.eng. Printed book.
PROTOTYPE: Garmonsway, G.N. & Simpson, Jacqueline. The Penguin english dictionary. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1965.
DATA:eng: Penguin-hellenews anglogreek dictionary.. Athens: Hellenews-Education, 3rd ed: 1984. 1st ed: 1975.
Bilingual dictionary from english to greek.
WordReference.com, online dictionary. English definition. Website. <http://www.wordreference.com> retr:2005+. lang:eng.
Definitions. Word category and tree. Audio files .mp3 in US pronunciation mainly. Links.
Dictionnaire Français-Anglais WordReference.com.(fre) French-English Dictionary.(eng) Website. <http://www.wordreference.com/fren> retr:2007. lang:eng.
English definitions of french words. Also compound forms.
Dictionnaire français-grec moderne. Athens: Librairie Kauffmann Athènes, 1995. Printed book. lang:gre.fre.
DATA:fre‑ipa: [diksjoˈnɛʀ fʀãsɛ gʀɛk mɔˈdɛʀn] [libʀɛˈʀi ˈkaufman]
DATA:eng: French-modern greek dictionary. Athens: The Athens Kauffmann Library, 1995.
Translation of french words in greek. I.P.A. Phonetics for french with the stress accent omitted (since it is always placed on the last syllable). No proper nouns, names, placenames.
Mπαμπινιώτης, Γεώργιoς. Λεξικό της Nέας Eλληνικής Γλώσσας. Aθήνα: Kέντρo Λεξικoλoγίας, 1998. Printed book. lang:gre.
DATA:gre‑ipa: [babiˈɲotis], [jeˈorjios]. [leks͡iˈko tis ˈneas eliniˈcis ˈɣlosas]. [aˈθina]: [ˈcendro leks͡ikoloˈjias]
DATA:eng: Babiniotis, Georgios. Dictionary of Modern Greek Language. Athens: Lexicology Centre, 1998.
Monolingual dictionary. Greek definitions, examples, etymology and special tables on common mistakes of the use of words.
The professor that oversaw the dictionary's compilation is well-known to the greek general public, appears on TV, writes articles in newspapers.
Δημητράκος, Δημήτριος. Μέγα λεξικόν όλης της ελληνικής γλώσσης. Αθήνα: Ελληνική Παιδεία, Χ. Τεγόπουλος, 1964. Printed book. lang:gre. scr:gre.poly. Nine (9) volumes.
DATA:gre‑ipa: [ðimiˈtrakos], [ðiˈmitrios]. [ˈmeɣa leksiˈkon ˈolis tis eliniˈcis ˈɣlosis] [aˈθina]: [eliniˈci peˈðia], [x]. [teˈɣopulos], 1964
DATA:eng: Dimitrakos, Dimitrios. Mega lexicon of all the greek language. Athens: Hellenic Education, Kh. Tegopoulos, 1964.
This monumental panorama of greek language, was first published in 1953, but its compilation started in 1930. The Introduction (vol.1) by Dimitrakos, is a vivid, emotional briefing about the project, about all the eminent philologists and their tremendous efforts to combine all phases of greek in one dictionary.
Although words that are in common use in greek after the 1950s are obviously not included, it is still my most reliable companion.
Λεξικό της Koινής Nεoελληνικής. Θεσσαλονίκη: Ινστιτούτο Νεοελληνικών Σπουδών, Ίδρυμα Μανόλη Τριανταφυλλίδη, Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης, 1998. Printed book. ISBN:960‑231‑085‑5. lang:gre.
DATA:gre‑ipa: [leks͡iˈko tis ciˈnis neoeliniˈcis]. [θesaloˈnici]: [instiˈtuto neoeliniˈkon spuˈðon] [ˈiðrima maˈnoli triandafiˈliði] [aristoˈtelio panepiˈstimio θesaloˈnicis]
DATA:eng: Dictionary of Common Neohellenic. Thessalonike: Neohellenic Studies Institute, Manolis Triantafyllides Institute, Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, 1998.
Monolingual dictionary. Greek definitions, examples, etymology, inflexion tables, IPA modified Phonetics.
Manolis Triantafyllidis (1883-1959) was an eminent linguist who helped so that the demotic (people's modern greek) language finally dominate as the official language of the new greek state.
The dictionary online:
Here are the links: D.G.T.links.htm

The introduction online, only in greek: @greek-language.gr.
Abbreviations: @greek-language.gr.
Declension tables:
@greek-language.gr in separate pages
@webtopos. my all-in-one-page tables
Liddell, Henry George & Scott, Robert. Μέγα λεξικόν της ελληνικής γλώσσης. Athens, Ιωάννης ΣΙΔΕΡΗΣ, n.d. Printed book. 4 volumes, and a 5th (appendix). lang:gre. scr:gre.poly. trans:eng.→gre: Ξενοφών Π. Μόσχος. Supplement with byzantine words and phrases by Μιχαήλ Κωνσταντινίδης.
DATA:gre‑ipa: [ˈmeɣa leksiˈkon tis eliniˈcis ˈɣlosis] Athens: [ioˈanis ˈsiðeris / siˈðeris / siðeˈris;] (accentuation is not clear because the typed letters are capital, hence unaccented). Translator: [ksenoˈfon ˈmosxos]. Supllements by [mixaˈil konstandiˈniðis].
DATA:eng: Mega Lexicon of greek languages. translator: Xenophon P. Moschos. supplements by Michael Konstantinides. Athens: Ioannis Sideris, n.d.
Dictionary of ancient greek language with references to texts where each word-lemma appears.
See {@D.GaE.ls.} the Liddell-Scott dictionary of 1940, in english. online.
Liddell, Henry George & Scott, Robert. A Greek-English Lexion revised and augmented thoughout by Sir Henry Stuart Jones with the assistance of Roderick McKenzie. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1940. Printed book. lang:eng.greanc.
Website.eng. <http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/morph?l=a&la=greek> retr:2007.10.12./2017. or at the webpage Perseus Lexica.
Website.gre. <http://www.greek-language.gr/digitalResources/ancient_greek/tools/liddell-scott/search.html?lq=> retr:2017.
The classic dictionary of ancient greek language with references to texts where each word-lemma appears. Ancient greek is written with the latin alphabet, plus some special diacritics.
Κουμανούδης, Στέφ\ανος\. Α. Λεξικόν Λατινοελληνικόν. Το μεν πρώτον συνταχθέν και εκδοθέν υπό του εκ Βρέμης της Γερμανίας Ερρίκου ΟΥΛΕΡΙΧΟΥ, ...πλουτισθέν υπό Στεφ. Α. Κουμανούδη, Αδριανοπολίτου, ... διορθωθέν και συμπληρωθέν υπό Γεωργίου ΤΟΥΡΛΙΔΟΥ. Αθήνα: Γρηγόρης, 1972. Printed book. lang:gre.lat. scr:gre.poly.
DATA:gre‑ipa: [kumaˈnuðis], [ˈstefanos]. [leksiˈkon latinoeliniˈkon]. [aˈθina]: [ɣriˈɣoris], 1972.
DATA:eng: Koumanoudis, Steph.A. Latin-greek dictionary. First edition written and published by Henry ULRICH \dubious trans.\ from Bremen, Germany, ...enriched by Steph. A. Koumanoudis from Adrianople, ...corrections and additions by Georgios TOURLIDES. Athens: Gregoris \or: Grigoris\, 1972.
Latin to greek dictionary. Etymology is very brief.
Kennedy, Michael. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Music. 3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985. Based on the original publication by Percy Scholes. Printed book. lang:eng.
Look for more recent, updated editions in english.
Greek students may also consult the greek translation of the dictionary.
Dolmetsch Online - Music Dictionary. Website. <www.dolmetsch.com> retr:2006.05. lang:eng.
English definitions of many music terms from many languages.
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Website. <http://en.wikipedia.org> lang:eng.
Online encyclopaedia written by readers. Articles, dates, images, tables, lists, and links to good websites on each subject. The english article may appear in more languages but is not identical. Links to many sister projects such as: Wiktionary, Wikibooks, Commons, etc. See {@wikipedia}.
Κοπιδάκης, Μ.-Α. (ed.). Iστoρία της Eλληνικής Γλώσσας. 3η έκδ. Αθήνα: Ελληνικό Λογοτεχνικό και Ιστορικό Αρχείο (ΕΛΙΑ), 2000. 1η έκδ:1999. lang:gre.
Printed book. xxiii+437 p. ISBN:960-201-122-X.
DATA:gre‑ipa: [kopiˈðakis] [m] [z]. [istoˈria tis eliniˈcis ˈɣlosas] [aˈθina]: [eliniˈko loɣotexniˈko ce istoriˈko arˈçio]
DATA:eng: Kopidakis, M.A. (ed.). History of Greek Language. 3rd ed. Athens: The Hellenic Literary and Historical Archive. (ELIA), 2000.1st ed:1999. \titles of institutes, are their official english translations from the original greek, as seen in the internet\.
AVAILABLE ONLINE: OUTLINE. Website. <http://www.elia.org.gr/pages.fds?pagecode=15.01&langid=2> retr:2007. lang:eng.gre.
http://www.elia.org.gr E.L.I.A. = HEllenic Logotechnique and HIstorical Archive.
Articles on all aspects of the greek language of all centuries and all its phases, in conjunction with literature. Wonderful colour-images.
El Poder de la Palabra. Website. <http://www.epdlp.com> lang:spa.
At section MUSIC: selected audio-sample for each composer. Performers are not mentioned.
Wikipedia. Website. <http://wikipedia.org> lang:multi.
See {E.E.wikipedia}.
Online encyclopaediae and reference webprojects written by readers.
Friskin, James & Freundlich, Irwin. Music for the Piano. New York: Dover, 1973. f.p:1954. Printed book. lang:eng.
Detailed presentation and description work by work, movement by movement. Notes on level of difficulty and character of each piano piece.
Google. Website. <http://www.google.com> lang:multi.
Online search engine.
Χριστίδης, Α.-Φ. (επιμ.). Iστoρία της Eλληνικής Γλώσσας από τις αρχές έως την ύστερη αρχαιότητα. 1η έκδ. Θεσσαλονίκη: Κέντρο Ελληνικής Γλώσσας, με τη συμβολή του Ινστιτούτου Νεοελληνικών Σπουδών (Ίδρυμα Μανόλη Τριανταφυλλίδη), Σεπτέμβριος 2001. lang:gre.
Printed book. xxviii+1213 p. ISBN:960-231-094-4.
DATA:gre‑ipa: [xriˈstiðis], [a]-[f]. [istoˈria tis eliniˈcis ˈɣlosas apo tis arˈçes ˈeos tin ˈisteri arçeˈotita]. [θesaloˈnici]: [ˈcendro eliniˈcis ˈɣlosas] [instiˈtuto neoeliniˈkon spuˈðon ˈiðrima maˈnoli triandafiˈliði]
DATA:eng: Christides, A.F. (ed.). History of Hellenic Language from the beginning to later antiquity. 1st ed. Thessaloniki (Salonica): Centre for the Greek Language, with the contribution of the Institute for Modern Greek Studies (Manolis Triandafyllidis Foundation), September 2001.
Titles of institutes, are their official english translations from the original greek, as seen in the internet.
Series of 123 articles presenting in detail every issue concerning the greek of antiquity. Interesting sections on dialects, on greek's relations to other languages of the time. Authors are: 40 greek and 30 non-greek scholars.
Online presentation of an outline of the book at <http://www.greeklanguage.gr/gr/pub_36.html> retr:2007. [obsolete] lang:gre.
Anasatasios Pheobus [anaˈstasios]-[ˈfivos] Christidis 1946-2004. (or: Tasos Christidis) professor of linguistics (glossology) at the Aristotelian University of Salonica, founding member of the Centre of Greek Lanugage. A great man that 'left' too early.
Hyperion Records. Website. <http://www.hyperion-records.co.uk> Great Britain. lang:eng.
Commercial site: Record shopping. Good sleeve notes.
Philoglossia: Learning Greek as a foreign language. ILSP: Institute for Language and Speech Processing of Thrace, Greece. Website. <http://www.xanthi.ilsp.gr/filog> retr:2007. lang:eng.gre.
Click for sound examples, animation on how to write greek letters, vocabulary, lessons for modern greek. The introduction on greek alphabet <http://www.xanthi.ilsp.gr/filog/ch1/alphabet/alphabet.asp> is very nice.
Jnjmuse. Website. <http://jnjmuse.cnei.or.kr> Korea. lang:kor. [obsolete]
Classical music recordings, analyses and presentations. Performers are not named, but the quality of performances is excellent.
Lesky, Albin. Ιστορία της αρχαίας ελληνικής λογοτεχνίας. 5th ed. revised. trans:ger.→gre: Αγαπητός Γ. Τσοπανάκης. Από την 3η έκδ. στα γερμανικά, 1971. Θεσσαλονίκη: εκδ. οίκος αδελφών Κυριακίδη, 1981. 1η έκδ: 1965. lang:gre.
Printed book. 1256 p. no ISBN.
DATA:gre‑ipa: [ˈleski] [ˈalbin]. [istoˈria tis arˈçeas eliniˈcis loɣoteˈxnias] translator: [aɣapiˈtos ʦopaˈnakis]. [θesaloˈnici]: [ekðotiˈkos ˈikos aðelˈfon cirjiaˈciði], 1981.
DATA:eng: Lesky, Albin. History of the ancient greek literature. 5th ed. revised. trans:ger.→gre: Agapitos G. Tsopanakis. From the 3rd edition in german, 1971. Thessalonike: Kyriakidis Bros, 1981. 1st ed: 1965.
PROTOTYPE: Geschichte der griechischen Literatur. Berne: Francke, 1957. lang:ger.
Albin Lesky, professor at the university of Vienna. The book (lang:german) was published in 1957 and was an immediate success. Lesky died in Innsbruck, Austria on the 28th of February, 1981, 85 years old.
The first edition in greek was published in 1965 (1964). Here is some interesting information from the translator's note:
«...professor Lesky has done everything in his power to facilitate the greek edition and his interest was literally moving. Not only did he give up his rights as author (copyright), but he asked the publishing house Francke in Bern to do the same, which they promptly did...»
The book is a classic in its area, indispensable not only to philologists, but for every person who loves literature: it is written in a beautiful flowing style, simple, and in the same time it gives all the references a scientist needs for further reading.
Naxos. Classical Music. Website. <http://www.naxos.com> lang:eng.
Commercial site: Record shopping. Subscribe to listen to all records. Sleeve notes.
Neuhaus, Heinrich. The art of piano playing. London: Barrie & Jenkins, 1973. trans:?→eng: K.A. Leibovitch. Printed book. lang:eng.
Heinrich Neuhaus /ˈhainrix nˈoihauz/ (1888-1964). The great piano teacher and director of the Moscow Conservatoire, teacher of Sviatoslav Richter, Emil Gilels and Radu Lupu, describes the principles and practices of his paedagogical philosophy.
W.W. Norton Books. USA: W.W.Norton. Website. <http://www.wwnorton.com> lang:eng.
Commercial site: Educational books, accompanied by students' sites.
A Sound Reference to the IPA. Webmaster: Kristian Skarbø. University of Science and Technology (NTNU). Department of Language and Communication Studies, Norway. Website. <http://www.ling.hf.ntnu.no/ipa/full> retr:2002.12.10. [obsolete] lang:eng.nor.
Interactive tables with .mp3 examples for every symbol of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).
Piano Society, Free Classical Recordings and Sheet Music. Website. <http://pianosociety.com> lang:eng.
Scores in .pdf format. The recordings are by students and teachers.
Rhapsody - Free access to millions of songs online. Website. <http://www.rhapsody.com> lang:eng.
Commercial site: Record shopping. Downloadable tracks for USA only. Good source for CD tracks.
Σταματάκος, Δρ. Ιωάννης. Iστορική Γραμματική της Aρχαίας Eλληνικής. 3rd ed. Αθήνα: Φοίνιξ, 1973. PROTOTYPE: 1st ed: JUL 1949. Editions: 1 JUL 1949, 2 MAR 1968, 3 DEC 1973. lang:gre. scr:gre.poly.
Printed book. xxiii+566 p. no ISBN.
DATA:gre‑ipa: [stamaˈtakos ioˈanis ˈðoktor] [istoriˈci ɣramatiˈci tis arˈçeas eliniˈcis] [aˈθina]: [ˈfiniks]
DATA:eng: Stamatakos, Dr Ioannis. Historical Grammar of the Ancient Greek \Language\. 3rd ed. 1973. Athens: Phoenix, 1973.
John Stamatakos, professor of philology at the Athens University.
Τζάρτζανος, Αχιλλεύς Α. Γραμματική της αρχαίας ελληνικής γλώσσης. Αθήνα: ΟΕΔΒ (Οργανισμός Εκδόσεως Διδακτικών Βιβλίων), 1979. Printed book. lang:gre. scr:gre.poly.
DATA:gre‑ipa: [ˈʣarʣanos], [açiˈlefs]. [ɣramatiˈci tis arˈçeas eliniˈcis ˈɣlosas] [aˈθina]: [o][e][ð][v], 1979.
DATA:eng: Tzartzanos, Achilleus. Grammar of ancient greek language. Athens: Institute for Educational Books Publishing \by the Ministry of Education of Greece\, 1979.
My simple but precious school book.
the 1948 edition
Book.pdf (b&w scan) [retr:2017.12.18. @puxida.aueb.gr]
the 2nd edition, of 1967. [uploaded:2017]
Book.pdf (colour scan)
Text.pdf (b&w scan)
Text parts 1, 2.htm
sarri.note: gre: Με την πρωτότυπη γλώσσα του Τζάρτζανου (καθαρεύουσα) και τις εκφράσεις που εντυπώθηκαν στη μνήμη μας: 'μακρά προ βραχείας περισπάται', 'μακρά προ μακράς οξύνεται' κ.ο.κ. = eng: In Tzartzanos' original language (katharevousa) and his expressions imprinted in our memory: ...
Τζάρτζανος, Αχιλλεύς. Λατινική Γραμματική. Αθήνα: ΟΕΔΒ (Οργανισμός Εκδόσεως Διδακτικών Βιβλίων), 1977. Printed book. lang:gre.lat. scr:gre.poly.lat.
DATA:gre‑ipa: [ˈʣarʣanos], [açiˈlefs]. [latiniˈci ɣramatiˈci] [aˈθina]: [o][e][ð][v], 1977.
DATA:eng: Tzartzanos, Achilleus. Latin Grammar. Athens: Institute for Educational Books Publishing \by the Ministry of Education of Greece\, 1977.
Old simple but precious school book.
Music and Musicians. Website. <http://www.uquebec.ca/musique> retr:2006.01. lang:fre.eng.
Complete ergographies of selected composers. Excellent, excellent work. Also, pages on church organs.
YouTube. Broadcast Yourself. Website. <http://www.youtube.com> lang:eng.
Search for videoclips in .flv form.

last additions: 2008.12.01./2017.

katerina sarri webtopos: www.webtopos.gr
created in 2000, last additions in 2010.