Here is an outline of greek literature through the ages.
Ancient greeks covered all genres except the novel. The most important are: Homer and the three dramatists (Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides) and the historian Thucydides. And of course, the great philosophers. The byzantine period is not important except perhaps a couple of nice religious hymns. During the ottoman occupation, a lovely folk poetry flourishes and leads to the modern times with great poets as Kavafis, Seferis (Nobel 1969), Elytis (Nobel 1979) and writers as Papadiamantis and Kazantzakis.
- There are thousands of sites on greek literature. Most of them concern ancient texts. Resources for classicists are endless, personal pages numerous. Much less exists on byzantine and new-times corpora. There are very few official sites with translations of modern and contemporary poetry and prose.
- My source of dates is Wikipedia Encyclopaedia.
- I present greek names in greek script, International Phonetic script and in their most common latin transliterations.
- General booklinks, texts online, at my book links.